Catherine Barnes

Position/Title: Senior Research Coordinator, Research Coordination and Management Unit (RCMU)
Years at TraCS: 1 year
Years at UNC: 4 years


I'm originally from... Mooresville, North Carolina, which is about 30 minutes away from Charlotte. I moved to Chapel Hill for college, and I've been here ever since!

My first job ever was... working at an ice cream shop in my hometown.


Describe what you do at work and what you enjoy about it... In the RCMU, I help investigators across UNC with coordinating their various research projects. I am also the RCMU's point person for all things education- so I design various presentations regarding topics that are relevant to research personnel here at UNC. I really enjoy the impact that the RCMU has not only on research projects themselves, but the research teams. Since we usually only have a few months with investigators and their teams, we have to come in, help them implement best practices, and then build up confidence within the team that they can continue those best practices after we leave. Seeing the progress that a team makes from day one to the end of the RCMU's involvement always makes me happy.

Please describe an interesting day at work for you... An interesting day at work usually involves working on multiple different projects at various locations. I may start the day off at a clinic performing industry-sponsored study visits, and then I come back to the office where I enter in some data for another study. After that, I could have a meeting with a principal investigator regarding my role as their project manager for a grant. Then, I return back to the office to work on a new education session to present to coordinators. Every day is completely different- and that's something I love about this job!

I got into this field because... Well, I actually fell into this field accidentally! I took a job as a research assistant right after I graduated college, because a professor knew I was looking for work and told me to apply. I immediately began to see the impacts that research has on our communities, and that's why I continued in this field. We have an impact not only through the science and long-term outcomes of our projects, but also through the positive presence that we can be in people's lives.


To get me talking, ask about... The NC Guardian ad Litem program. I currently volunteer with the program, where I speak up for children in court and advocate for their best interests. I really enjoy introducing people to the program and talking about what a great resource it is for children!

I'm currently reading... "The Woman Who Would Be King- Hatshepsut's Rise to Power in Ancient Egypt" by Kara Cooney. I'm reading through a set of biographical-type books about powerful women throughout history.

If I could wake up tomorrow as an expert in a new skill, I'd like to be... fluent in multiple languages.

If I could have one super power, it would be... teleportation!

What is your favorite place on earth? It's a tie between Dublin, Ireland and Hong Kong, China. Both places are beautiful and filled with amazing experiences!

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